Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Benefits of Truth

Honesty really is the best policy...in a lot of very practical, down-to-earth ways.

Truth Paints a Brighter Future- Proverbs tells us that 'Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.' Basketball coach Rick Petino was right when he said, 'Lying makes a problem part of the future; truth makes a problem part of the past.'

Truth Frees us from Fear- The Bible tells us the truth will set us free. If you've gotten rid of all the skelatons in your closet, you no longer have to stick around to keep an eye on the door.

Truth Maximizes Joy- Have you ever cheated at cards or some sport? The win isn't quite as sweet afterwords! If you mix deception and victory in the same bowl, you end up with an ugly meal of guilt.

Truth Holds Everything Together- Part of our spiritual armor is the belt of truth. Every time we lie, we have to loosen that belt another notch. Add enough layers of deception and our spiritual obesity causes that belt to snap off completely. We'll eventually be caught with our pants down...in a manner of speaking.

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