Saturday, December 04, 2004

Sydney and Vaughn

Charlie woke up drenched and dazed and confused. Relationships weren't working well for him so far. I mean, sure, he had learned valuable lessons...1. Don't try to date Lois Lane if you're not ready to be Superman...2. Don't try to date the Hulk if you're not willing to be pushed around...and 3. Don't try to be a girl if you're...well...a guy.

So Charlie decided to leave his life of searching for a soul-mate. He decided to join the CIA. In the CIA he'd be too busy to go through another relational debacle. He was so excited. Until that first meeting. He was sitting quietly when she walked in. They had girls in the CIA??? He didn't see any other girls. Only her. But 1 was enough to devestate his plans.

As the reader would expect, Charlie and mystery girl number 4 were occassionally sent on missions together. He was given the alias Vaughn. She was given the alias Sydney. Their first mission was to pose as students and pass tests, so they studied together. The missions became more complex though, and pretty soon they found themselves posing as a couple that wasn't dating when, in reality, they were. They were glad when that mission was over.

Charlie was very happy. Not only was he now serving his country in the CIA, he had found a great partner to work with. The future looked bright...until...Charlie was hit in the head by someone from the CIA's enemy: SD-6. He lost his memory. He forgot how good things had been with Sydney. The SD-6 agents told him he was an unsatisfied agent. He foolishly believed them. But as the months went on his memory began to return. He escaped SD-6 and returned to the CIA headquarters. And there he saw Sydney and the past hit him like a brick.

Sydney was reluctant, but Charlie was persuasive. He wanted to be Vaughn again, but to her, he was just Charlie now. Charlie had the CIA place her on missions with him....but the spark never really returned. Charlie graduated from his position as an agent to a desk job with an office to himself.

But from time to time you can see Charlie glancing out his office window....looking for something similar to Sydney to come along.


matthew said...

yeah...well, at least he had guts. Few men would have the tenacity to ask a daughter after being rejected by the mother. I don't think that's a 'good' kind of guts....but I gotta give hime SOME credit

Katie said...

I miss the real Sydney and Vaughn... but they will be returning in January :-)

Anonymous said...

AN ALIAS FAN!!! Starting in Jan, you should come read my blog at on Wednesday nights after Alias. I'm going to be writing my thoughts on each episode. i LOVE it.. i'd go as far as to say i'm a die hard, completely addicted, sydney wanna-be fan (maybe i'm more like Sydney than even I thought.......)

Good story, Matthew. It honestly made me tear up. Someone's going to walk past your window. I know it. And she's going to be even better suited for you than "Sydney"


matthew said...

Careful Katie....sarah's dangerous when it comes to her favorite tv shows

As for your optimistic outlook, Sarah, all I can say is that, at this point, replace the word 'window' with the word 'computer screen' and the word 'Sydney' with 'deceptive 46 year old man' and you're right...I'm sure things will work out :)

Glad you learned to sign your name

matthew said...

even number of