Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Voting Day


Early Exit polls show Kerry with a slight advantage in key swing states. Some reports show Bush down 4 in Ohio, down 4 in Florida, down 1 in New Mexico, down 1 in Michigan, and down 2 Iowa. This is a good sign for Kerry and seems to prove this will be a close election.

But I remind you that more Republicans have 9-5 jobs than Democrats. It was early exit polls that caused the media to think Florida voted for Gore in 2000. Evening voters tend to be Republican voters. If Bush is still within a few percentage points by dinner time, I think he'll win.
If you're a Bush supporter, don't put too much stock into these results. Get out and vote when you finish working (or pretending to work while you read my blog)!


As I hoped, the exit polls are getting tighter as the day gets darker.Early exit polls showed Bush down 4 points in 2 key states (Ohio and Florida). The latest exit polls are showing Bush down 1 in both those states. One early exit poll had Bush down 20 in Pennsylvania! The latest exit polls hahve Bush down between 2-4 points in that state.Bush-Backers have finished their 9-5 and they are on their way home....making one important stop. And hopefully, with their support, Bush will be able to call the White House home for another 4 years.

Latest Election Results:

Bush 51%
Kerry 48%

No state surprises so far. Things looking good in Ohio and Florida

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