Friday, April 19, 2019

Poem from Jerry Walls

A tomb is not the sort
Of thing you borrow
Unless you have power
To banish its sorrow.
No, a tomb is never
Merely to borrow
Unless you descend
Into hell to harrow.
So take, Lord, this tomb
You need only borrow
And return it empty
Day after tomorrow.

Monday, February 11, 2019

Sam Walter Foss

My favorite 3 poems by Sam Walter Foss

The Calf Path
The Prayer of Cyrus Brown
Odium Theologicum

Tuesday, January 08, 2019


Here are some podcasts I've been interested in

Ask NT Wright Anything
The Bible for Normal People
Top Episodes so far...
Episode 2 (Richard Rohr)
Episode 10 (Peter Enns)
Episode 11 (Benjamin Sommer)
The Sinnergists
Almost Heretical
Top Episodes so far...
John Barclay (Paul and the Gift)
Thomas Jay Oord (The Uncontrolling Love of God)