Friday, August 25, 2006

Matthew 16:18b

and the gates of Hades will not overcome it

Once again, I've encountered 4 common interpretations of this line. Sadly, I had simply never thought deeply about this before and always assumed the first view.

1) The attack of the enemy will never overcome the church
This is the interpretation I was taught somewhere along the way, but it really doesn't seem to fit. Gates are defensive, not offensive. The church is being built up, not diminishing. I suspect this view has become prominent alongside dispensationalism.

2) The defense of the enemy will never be strong enough
This view is basically the opposite of the previous view, but I think it fits the message of the Gospel better. The passage should possibly be translated 'the gates will not prove stronger than it' (the church). In other words, wherever the Gospel goes, it will grow. This is visibly true and exegetically sound.

3) The grave can't keep those who have Peter's kind of faith
This view says spiritual warfare isn't in view at all. Hades means the grave, not hell/satan. It's simply saying that not even death can conquer a person of faith.

4) The grave won't be able to defeat Christ
This view keeps the focus entirely on Jesus (not the church). Hades, the grave, wasn't going to be able to stop Jesus' mission from finding success. His kingdom would overcome.

What do you think?

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